Cats Always Land Butter Side Down
Street Team
The Kittens
Contact the band/ Booking
News and Gossip


January 16 2007
Happy New Year Kittens!
Nothing new to report but I wanted to say "Hi!"

Friday, October 13, 2006
1:46 pm
Hey!  It's been quite a while...  I've been working on a solo album...  which isn't turning out the way I want it so I may scrap the whole thing and start over.
Forever- Psycho

April 8, 2005
11:01 am
Welcome to my life... 
So, Damien left the band.  Probably forever.  I'm glad I didn't spend $200 dollars on that bass I saw, considering I am probably taking over guitar.
Matt sprained his foot.  I am not sure how he did that but then again I am not sure how he does a lot of things.  It's his left foot so he can still play drums! (Yea Cats Always Land Butter Side Down!)
Nothing is really going on with Heidi and I except my house got flooded during that big rainstorm and Heidi was stuck at Matt's house because of the flood because of said rainstorm.

March 28, 2005
7:41 pm
Um, yeah...
So, Damien left the band for now.  I have made my gracious return to music after walking in the rain for a half hour (with Matt chasing me with an umbrella).  We are waiting to hear from a friend of ours (from school) who plays guitar like a god to see if he can take over, with the promise of still being in the band if ever Damien returns to Cats Always Land Butter Side Down.
I'm cold so I'm gonna go now...
Forever- Psycho

March 28, 2005
5:02 PM
I am so sick of this...
This is Psycho.
So here we all are at Matt's house.  I'm sitting at the desk, Heidi and Matt are on the bed and Damien is pacing.  I think Damien is quitting the band.  It hurts.  My heart is falling apart.  Heidi says she thinks the band is breaking up.  I hope she isn't right.  I think I should quit before the band breaks up so that people can't say "Oh, your band broke up?"  I can say "I quit my band and then they broke up because I wasn't there."
--Oh well.  This is hell.  I can't take it.  We can't make it.  This sucks.  We have no luck.--
I just quit the band.  I never want to be in another band ever again.  I am going into law or medicine or something or perhaps I shall join the circus.  I could be a side show freak.
Music has been my life since I was born.  And now I can't take it...
Cats Always Land Butter Side Down is dead. 
Forever- Psycho

March 22, 2005
The morning after...
So we had two shows this past week.  The first one was great.  The second one, SOMEONE was drunk.
We were planning to have a party after but everyone was tired.  I called our friend Mark to tell him that we weren't having the party, and I woke him up...  I felt so bad!!!  Mark, if you are reading this, I am sooooooooooooo sooooooooooooo sorry.
Forever- Psycho

March 18, 2005
Freaking out because of our 2 shows coming up...
I am so nervous!  We have a show in 2 days, I don't have a decent shirt to wear and I haven't eaten breakfast yet...  I have an apple, 2 kiwis, a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of green tea in my bag...  Mmmmmmmmmm... Good Breakfast!!!  I'm tired...  I called Heidi last night because the idea that we have two shows coming up was freaking me out...  Heidi, Matt and Damien are lucky.  They have (musically) performed publicly within the past 6 months.  I haven't sang or done anything (musically) in public since May 1999.  I was in a Christmas play at my church 2 years ago but I was a minor character...  I wasn't Mary or an angel or anything...
Gotta go eat---

March 14, 2005
Psycho is MISERABLE!
I didn't get much sleep this weekend.  I kept dreaming about this guy I had a crush on once upon a time.  (Spring 2004)  His name was Troy.  I went to college with him.  He was in my favorite class.  (History of Rock Music)  I think I still have a little crush-let on him.  (How could I not?  He's HOT)  You don't want to hear about this though.
Next week is SPRING BREAK!  Yea!!!  And of course you all know that CATS ALWAYS LAND BUTTER SIDE DOWN has two shows next week!  One on Sunday and one on Monday.  Exciting!  I can't wait to see LQASFH.  I have heard so much about them.
Gotta go-
Forever- Psycho

The Cure

Predominant Lunatics (Band) (Psycho claims Thierry Pache, Guitar)

March 10, 2005
The Villified Maelstrom of the Society Currently Known as War-Torn
(Random words thrown together to make a title)
So I'm sitting here thinking and I say to myself, "Psycho, you need to say HI to the fans."  So, I decided to make a journal page.  Yes I know I can get one for free (I have four different free online journals) but this seemed more interesting.  All contained in one site instead of having to put some link that might not even work somewhere someone might not even see it.
Anyway "Hi!"
We have two shows coming up.  Check the show page!
Forever- Psycho