We were supposed to record one album every year for 6 years and then take a five year break but with no guitarist
that is impossible. - Psycho 1-16-07
Cats Always Land Butter Side Down Unknown
Track List: "Hurting Friends" "You're Gone" "Lights and Sirens" and 1 untitled song as of March 9, 2005.
Edit : Track list : Hurting Friends, Hurting Soul and Waiting (formerly the untitled song). January 16, 2007
Currently being recorded
Sex Kittens Unknown
The Cats Meow Unknown
When the Cats Away... Unknown
The Cat and Mouse Game Unknown
Curiosity Killed the Cats Unknown
(Last album before 5 year break)
Satisfaction brought them back Unknown
The Cat's Out Of The Bag Unknown
CATastrophe Unknown
CATatonic Unknown
Purr-fect Unknown