Cats Always Land Butter Side Down
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Cats Always Land Butter Side Down is currently recording their first album/demo in Matt's dining room and Damien's living room.  It is a self-titled album and features songs written entirely by the band.  No covers for this album.
February 2005

Damien has left Cats Always Land Butter Side Down. His departure has left Psycho, Heidi and Matt greatly upset at the loss of a bandmate.
He will be replaced as soon as possible even if it means bringing in Heidi on bass and Psycho playing guitar.
March 30, 2005

"Immediately recognizable as the most worthless, incapable, and utterly unlistenable band ever to be formed."  This was on Damien's website... About Cats Always Land Butter Side Down.  We tried our hardest to be nice to this slave driver after he left the band.  And that is exactly what he is.  He gave us less than a month to write and practice everything.  Psycho had never even touched a bass guitar before the first practice.  He set up shows without us even knowing and then said we 'might' have a show.  We give a big thumbs down on the nice-ness charts for Damien.
May 19, 2005


The rumor that Psycho is currently dating Simple Plan drummer Chuck Comeau is totally and completely false...  No one in Cats Always Land Butter Side Down even knows Simple Plan.  Psycho was shocked to hear that she was dating Chuck and her reply was "I wish."
Please do not e-mail the band with anymore "news" of this rumor.  While they find it funny, it makes them want to stop playing music and just sit around discussing Simple Plan lyrics.